Friday 11 May 2012

The long vacation

Today, yet again, a friend of mine was talking about blog.
That reminds me that I have one, and have been neglecting it.

I saw that the latest post I had was March 3rd, 2010. 
2 years.. 
It has been 2 years since my last post.. 
A lot.. when i say 'a lot' i mean A LOT has been going on.

Those people that I've mentioned before, some of them still fill in my days.. 
Couple more than the others.. 

Incidents.. misunderstandings.. affections.. disappointments.. 
those are just some stuff that happened in 2 years.. 

People change.. 
better or worse..
Some like the way they change.. some don't.. 

Some trying to be better.. 
Some trying to get their old self back.. 

Some giving up.. some still trying to hold on.. 
some trying to forget .. some trying to keep remembering.. 


What is life ? 

Something that you're facing and doing right now , that you have to go on no matter what ? 
A phase or sequence that you just doing without knowing where you want to go ? 

what are you looking for ? 
what are you waiting for ? 
what do you want to do ?
where do you want to go ? 

are you a man of planning, that you plan ahead on what you have to do or what you're going to do? 
or are you just someone who goes with the flow that you don't know what may come and face it ?


good surprises.. bad surprises.. 

Complicated.. complicated..

life is complicated.. human minds are complicated.. 
different people with different characteristic with different interest make it even more complicated..

Freedom.. Democratic.. 

even though you may not like it but you can't stop your curiosity .. 
to know more.. to involve more.. to try more.. 
there is  this switch in your head, try to understand more..

or perhaps sometimes, you fall for something you believe the most and stuck in it and just following it blindly..


people.. human being.. they like to see good things among them..
they always try to avoid stories that will bring them sadness
unhappy feelings.. 

but perhaps the truth is nothingness.. 

that's why people loves fairytales..
because fairytales always have a happy ending..

but, what's happy ending ? 
it's an ending that hasn't end yet ?

if you want a happy ending , it depends on where you stop the story.. 

2 years...

I guess I have been a thinker since i was younger.. 
but perhaps , with all that happened in 2 years, make me even a little more mature, or simply curious.

still.. a lot of things to learn.. 
a lot process..

sometimes, the question is simple..

are you happy ?

Wednesday 3 March 2010

what's new? :D

Hi guys!! what's up?!

I haven't been blogging since I was busy practice my driving!!!!
I was soooo excited! and I got my driving license! and HELL YEA IM HAPPY!! hahahha
now I can go anywhere I want to without having to wait for my parents..=.=

Oh, well since I'm in Singapore now, I can't really drive... *sad face*
but, whatever :D

humm .. sooooo
I started school on march 2nd.
school is much more fun than before..
especially now I have lots of good friends around! ;D

OH!! I guess its a showing gratitude time :p

So, first of all I'd like to thank TEPH! my crazy chubby best friend! that always there for me..although she's in US and I'm in singapore.
but hell where are ya these days?? i've been looking for you! u said u wanna study together through skype!!! hahaha
I love you dude!
next, I'd like to thank my "mom" not my real mom though.. that has been a good friend of me.. a very good listener and adviser :D
I love you so much too =)
We had a lot of talks the other day.. lots of different interest... but opposite attract? :D
same like teph.. hahaha.. omg.. just realised though o_O
and for tante.. I love you too!!! wish u can play again =(
from what mom always said.. I guess me and tante has a similar characteristic? o.O
well kind of, perhaps.. hahahah

let's move on,
to my another BFF in INDO!!! omg! I miss u girls so muuchh
I'm so sorry I can't make it last holiday.. you guys were busy for mid term exam, and I was busy trying to get the DRIVING LICENSE! ;p
but I love u girls! always have, always will =)
Let's go travel somewhere! ;D

Last, but not least
my friends in JCU! :D
Made, Fel,Mel, Dewi, Ajib, San2.. u guys are cool! =)
glad i met u guys here.. if not my days would be soooo boring in a boring campus :p

for LOVINA! hahaha my primary sch BFF :P
I miss u too T_T
we haven't been talking for so long, i'm so sorry for that..

well I guess.. thats about it .. wkwkwk

I was doing a blog on interactive marketing subject... not bad.. I love bloggin! as long as I remember to write.. hhahaha :D

I might be an emo person sometimes, but its always a HAPPY AWESOME times with you guys xD

I'll stop here..
till we meet again? :p

Monday 22 February 2010

hi guyyss

its been a while !!! hahaha
I've been busy with gaming and university life so far, so I never really remember to blog anymore until, one of my friend actually said that she's following my blog!!
oh well, I'm busy using twitter and facebook as well :D

A lot of things happened since my last post.
I figured that I'm a simple but complicated person.
I do care for the people I care and I don't give a damn to others that I don't care.
means I'm one of a hell selfish person!
few months back I had a ungrateful life. I kept thinking stuff, and about people as well.
I kept feeling down and was afraid that people / friends more likely around me deserve someone better than me to be their friends, best friends, etc.
and honestly I am a negative thinker myself.

but recently, i feel that maybe i have to change the way i think. maybe i need to look at it in a positive way.
So, once again i became selfish.
they might be happy to have me, they might not. but I am happy with them, so I'll just stay. ;D

and I found out that people changed. sooner or later.. a bit or a lot.. in a good way or in a bad way..
that makes me cannot really trust people. everything in this world is a lie.
that's sux!

I don't even know whether what they told me was the truth. cause, as far as im concerned the truth always harsh.

yea, so life's sucks, but yet we have to continue living.

that's the update about thoughts and feelings. XD
so I'm trying not to care about my feelings.
cause ' when you care less you wont get hurt as much ' and hell yea thats true!

next subject!

I keep thinking about my future. I'm not sure which way I want to go to.
after I graduate I mean.

1. work
2. master
3. study languages

I haven't really discuss this with my parents, well they know. but we haven't really talk about it. I guess I still have some times to think. about 1 year.
for now, I figured that I don't like studying that much. oh well who does? hahahaa

my dream since I was in junior high was to be famous.
and nope, I didnt chase it cause its kinda impossible.
but hey nothing's impossible, so I'd like to give it a try now.
hope it's not to late.
so yea.. that's my dream..
not inside the list after i graduate though. but I was wondering if I can do master in music/film. that would be interesting and torturing ><
So, i'll see how it goes.

so I guess that's all for now.

see you guys when I see u :P

Tuesday 17 March 2009

ahaii2.. alo semua.. mwa mwa

aiih.. aiih..
ngeblogs.. hahahhaa
disuruh guru guee..
karena ternyata ngeblogs tuh bisa ngebantuin kita untuk memanage ato untuk take notes pada aktivitas - aktivitas atau tugas - tugas alias TO-DO list yg harus kita kerjain.. hahahaha


1. Selesaiin Personal & Professional Skills Assignment.
2. Mulai diskusi Assignment Organisational Behaviour.
3. Mulai Diskusi atau MULAI MENULIS Case Study Economics. 
4. Menyibukkan diri sehingga tidak bisa mengingat "HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED"
5. Download SAM/Shoutcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRR lol

yaa.. kira-kira itulah kerjaan gue...

setelah liburan panjang yang membuat gue nganggur dari blogging dan kerjaannya cuma baca NGUPING JAKARTA (rekomendasi dari rheza), dan juga setelah bersedih-sedih ngga jelas, mikir aneh-aneh..
AKHIRNYAAA.. gue bisa kembali lagi ke dunia maya dengan kesibukan belajar gue, yang tentunya membantu sekali dalam proses pencernaan otak maupun lambung.  o_O
yaa pokoknya gitulah..
dan tentunya JOMBLOOOO..
yaa gue jomblo jg.. dan lagi nonton JOMBLO juga (lagi).. hauhuahuahua
dengan judul lagunya Serious - SENDIRI ITU INDAH!!!!!

sekian untuk blog kali ini.. 

Salam cipok,

Friday 23 January 2009


Jadi pernahkah kamu memiliki seorang "Nimo"?
Seseorang yang menjadi obsesi kamu selama bertahun - tahun? atau di kasusmu, 
mungkin kamu adalah "Nimo" untuk orang yang lain tanpa kamu sendiri sadari, dan di lain pihak kamu justru menjadi "Rahmi" untuk
seorang "Nimo" yang lain?


Still.. Love Is a Question (???)

just some quotes from a book called 'cintapuccino'

- Teori kotak kado: kenal sama orang itu kayak buka kotak kado.. kadang suka isinya, kadang ngga.
- 'is there any sign or we just make it up in our mind? That we only see what our eyes want to see?' (while rahmi wants to find "why him" in her version)
- knowing that he's not perfect after all even make me think that he's even more perfect than before. -
- we always need to find our why when we fall for someone, right? -
- but what is happiness anyway? 
achieving something? getting something that you really want? or on the other hand, not wanting something? the feeling of satisfaction even you only have less?
maybe about getting what you want. - 
- selalu ada harga yang harus di bayar untuk sesuatu -
- so here I am.. preparing for the worst, but still hoping for the best. - 

hmm... obsession.. what's obsession.. ?
what's love..?

few years back.. I had a story.. similar with this book. not everything.. 
just the obsession part.. perhaps.. 
well, mine's not obsession I think. not yet.
I didn't try to get into the same course with him.. and I don't think I'll go to the same workplace with him..

I just find a few sentences that I like.. the quotes. 
this is nothing about confession,, or whatever it is.
Just a bit flashback.
and still I'm asking myself..
what's happiness?
what's love..?
even though sometimes I could tell my friends.. about love.. in my version.. 
I doubt it.. now.
maybe, love isn't just about feelings.. 
maybe.. all things about love that I said, isn't really love.
maybe.. its just a simple 'like'.

love.. is still a question..
at least for me..

Wednesday 24 December 2008

My worst Christmas ever

Gue menghindar.. pengen banget menghindar dari kenyataan..
pengen banget keajaiban terjadi..
penyesalan terbesar gue..
ketakutan yg menghantui gue..
semua itu disini..
canda tawa berdiri di belakang gue..
Penyesalan duduk di samping gue
kesedihan memeluk gue..
di depan gue ad sebuah jurang yg ngga bisa gue sebrangi..
tp namanya penyesalan.. klo gue ngomongin skr.. itu ngga akan merubah apapun..
Tapi, gue juga ngga tw gimana hadapinnya..
gw down bgt..
malu jg..
pusing kepala gue..
nilai ujian akhir gue jelek..
hrs ngmng ap sm nyokap gue?
salah gue emg..
gue tw..
salah gue..
ngga belajar bener"..
semua salah gue..
bunuh aja gue!! bunuh!!
gue ngga tw lg hrs ngmng ap..
duid yg kbuank..
semua hal" yg terjadi..
klo gue blg gue mw di indo aj.. 
gue ngga tw mrk bkal ngmng ap..
ngga tw..
1 hal yg gue tw mrk akan blg..
knp ngga belajar bener"?
emg ke sana buat maen"?
gue tw.. gue ud taw gue ngga bsa sendiri..
gue ngga ngerti..
gue bgung..
gue jg yakin yg baca ini bgung..
krna gue jg..
terpukul bgt..
bukan tkut ngga dapet kuliah..
well thats one thing..
tpi.. yg plg penting..
perasaan bnyok gue..
yg gue br sadar klo pengaruh mrk lebih besar dari apapun d dunia ini..
rasanya yang laen ngga penting..
asal gue bs liat mrk bahagia..
gpp gue terpuruk.. asal mrk bahagia..
gue pgn org" yg gue cintai bhagia.. temen"gue.. semuanya..
well.. some of them are happy..
gampang buat tmn kita seneng..
yg susah..
buat org twa qt bhagia..
krna.. mrk cm bahagia klo kita bahagia..
sdgkan gue... ngga bs ngewujudkan itu..

gue bnr" ngga tw hrs gmn..

please somebody.. if u hate me.. PLEASE DO KILL ME!!
u wont regret it.. 
gue ngga akan dendam apa" sm u..

This just.. my worst Christmas ever..
